Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Vegeretort

Ackees, chapatties
 Dumplins an nan,
 Channa an rotis
 Onion uttapam,
 Masala dosa
 Green callaloo
 Bhel an samosa
 Corn an aloo.

 Yam an cassava
 Pepperpot stew,
 Rotlo an guava
 Rice an tofu,
 Puri, paratha
 Sesame casserole,
 Brown eggless pasta
 An brown bread rolls.

 Soya milked muesli
 Soya bean curd,
 Soya sweet sweeties
 Soya's de word,
 Soya bean margarine
 Soya bean sauce
 What can mek medicine?
 Soya of course.

 Soya meks yoghurt
 Soya ice-cream,
 Or soya sorbet
 Soya reigns supreme,
 Soya sticks liquoriced
 Soya salads
 Try any soya dish
 Soya is bad.

 Plantain an tabouli
 Cornmeal pudding
 Onion bhajee
 Wid plenty cumin,
 Breadfruit an coconuts
 Molasses tea
 Dairy free omelettes
 Very chilli.

 Ginger bread, nut roast
 Sorrell, paw paw,
 Cocoa an rye toast
 I tek dem on tour,
 Drinking cool maubi
 Meks me feel sweet,
 What was dat question now?
 What do we eat? 
             - Benjamin Zephaniah
Benjamin Zephaniah is an ardent vegetarian, poet, writer and animal's right's supporter
who believes poetry is to be enjoyed by everyone and not only by those who can read. He
belongs to the Rastafarian Literary Movement and has visited Sri Lanka on tour, where he
animated readings of his poems from his book 'Wicked World!' to a delighted audience
Vegan delight is a personal favorite of mine. For more info on BZ checkout
 wikipedia More poems? look here